The latest Harry Potter cookbook arrives on bookshelves May 7, 2024 from the fantastic pop culture book company Insight Editions. It’s called “Harry Potter: Afternoon Tea Magic: Official Snacks, Sips, and Sweets Inspired by the Wizarding World” (via Amazon; affiliate link) The authors are Veronica Hinke and Jody Revenson. Inside, the book offers everything you need to throw a magical ...

I wanted to show you the most darling children’s book that’s coming out February 20, 2024 from Viking Books for Young Readers. It’s called “Seoul Food” (via Amazon; affiliate link), and it’s a story about a biracial girl trying to find a way to celebrate both her Black and Korean food cultures when both sets of her grandparents come to ...

Here is my cookbook preview of “Bluey and Bingo’s Fancy Restaurant Cookbook”, by Penguin Young Readers Licenses (via Amazon; affiliate link)(Penguin Young Readers Licenses, 2023) Shop for this cookbook on Amazon (affiliate link): Subscribe for more cookbook content: Penguin Young Readers Licenses: Cookbook Divas: ...

Here is my cookbook preview of “American Girl Holiday Baking: Seasonal Recipes for Cakes, Cookies & More”, by American Girl (affiliate link; via Amazon) (Weldon Owen, 2019) Shop for this cookbook on Amazon (affiliate link): Subscribe for more cookbook content: American Girl: Cookbook Divas: ...

Here is my cookbook preview of “Student’s Manga Cookbook”, by Yishan Li + Sarah Ford (Ilex Press, 2016) Shop for this cookbook on Amazon (affiliate link): Yishan Li: Cookbook Divas: ...

A tour through two foodie/cooking related picture books for children. The first is the gorgeous, stunning cookbook for kids, “What’s Cooking at 10 Garden Street” by Felicita Sala (Prestel Junior, 2019) Shop for this children’s cookbook on Amazon (affiliate link): The second picture book is “The Boy Who Wanted to Cook” by Gloria Whelan with illustrations by Steve Adams. ...

The kids are all finished with this crazy year of school and home for summer. After a year of being homeschooled (mostly) you would think we are now pros at prepping and cooking for the kiddos throughout the week. Some of us have been busier than ever and finding inspiration can be difficult. Cookbook Divas is eager to help! (Disclosure: ...

I’m the type of aunt who likes to send my nieces and nephews surprise gifts. I also like to spend time with them doing fun things together, but right now the pandemic is making that impossible. I stumbled across two cookbooks that came out back in October and in November 2020, and definitely want to ship them to a couple ...

Now that we are all spending extra time with our little ones, it’s time to get creative. I know the school year has been daunting for some of us this year, but we need to remain vigilant! With the holidays sneaking up on us, we can start to get excited about baking and cooking together! Take a peek at Kid ...

I have friends who have to homeschool their kids right now, my niece being one, and it can be exhausting. Not just for the parents, but the kids as well. What a perfect excuse to pick up Milk Bar: Kids Only: A Cookbook. (via Amazon; affiliate link) Christina Tosi gives our kids the freedom to play alongside us in the ...