‘Tis the season for sweets, treats, and more delectable eats! I have a lot of fun eating them as much as I do baking them. Now that Christmas is upon us, I need to start thinking of gifts to get some of my friends who enjoy baking as much as I do. I also need to buy myself a gift ...
Am I the only one who will peer in the windows of French bakeries and sit in awe? There are times where I honestly don’t believe an actual human created such delicate morsels. Learning how to make French pastries is a baking landmark – it is incredibly intimidating, but I think we all would love to make them. With Petite ...
I don’t particularly care for fruit cake, and I suspect you don’t either. Yes, I’ll eat it if a relative brings it in person to a family gathering. I’ll smile and just drink lots of liquid (preferably whiskey or wine, but tea, Martinelli’s sparkling apple juice or water will do). We’ve all had some really bad fruitcakes, especially around the ...
I have a friend who is the sweetest human being alive, but she can’t cook or bake. She tries really, really hard, but always tells herself “I’m just not a cook.” That seems to be a phrase many of my fellow millennials say. They look at me and tell me, “Wow you’re such an amazing cook, I wish I could ...
This darling Japanese dessert cookbook comes out in November, just in time for the holiday gifting season. I’m delighted to get a sneak peek at Mochi Magic: 50 Traditional and Modern Recipes for the Japanese Treat (via Amazon). (Disclosure: I received an advance copy of this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Some of the links ...
Hello!! My name is Carrie
I am a cookbook collector, an avid entertainer, a wine blogger and a shopaholic. Looking forward to showing you some of my favorite cookbook finds, sharing vintage cookbooks I've collected, and exploring new cookbooks coming out soon with you.