Who says cooking has to be for humans only? I have friends and family members who actually cook meals for their dogs. There’s a lot of foreign “stuff” in big dog food brands – it’s basically like eating junk food. I can’t imagine where to start when learning how to cook for our furry friends. I’m glad there is a ...
I appreciate that chefs from all over the world are sharing their heritage with all of us. There are international foods I would have never thought about trying until now. Sri Lanka is one of those places… Sri Lanka is a country that sits between South India, Indonesia, and South East Asia. If you’re thinking that their cuisine is packed ...
Have you ever met anyone that does not love take out food? Even though places are getting better about providing a surplus of menu options, if you have any dietary restrictions, going out to eat is virtually impossible. As a vegan, that is exceptionally true. There are always animal products that sneak into different meals, even if it’s just the ...
I think we should reward ourselves for doing a splendid job eating well! I’ve missed most of the celebratory delights in January, so I think I can indulge in February. And quite frankly, I want to start baking a few desserts that aren’t pies, since we are finally out of the holiday season. (Disclosure: Some of the links in this ...
As some of you may know, I have Celiac disease, which means I cannot eat gluten. Seven years ago when I was diagnosed, I thought the world was collapsing. There are plenty of things I had to give up: beer, bread, soy sauce – the list goes on forever. But now, as it turns out, eating gluten-free has never been ...
Asian food tends to be one of my go to comfort foods. As a Pacific Northwesterner I am lucky to be surrounded by so many Asian restaurants. I try them all! This includes fusion food, which can be hit or miss. I’ve only tried making Asian fusion at home once and it was a failure. I know when it is ...
One of my favorite winter activities is to make myself a cocktail, sit in front of the fireplace, and read until late into the night. If we could have gatherings, I also like to get together with my friends and watch movies with themed beverages. I don’t think I have enough cookbooks to cover all my bartending needs! (Disclosure: Some ...
Have you ever wanted to create those beautiful $100+ dishes you can get from very elegant restaurants? Cooking like a Michelin star chef is no small feat, but we are all capable if we try hard enough. I know that I’ve always wanted to recreate some of the things I’ve seen on television, but know I am going to need ...
When I visited Japan all I wanted to do was recreate all the dishes I tried, once I got back at home. I’ve made my own Japanese curry, including the roux, but there’s something really special about everything I had in Japan. It’s seems really easy at first until you make one mistake. One small mishap can cause imbalance to ...
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Valentine’s Day is around the corner. I know this holiday is a mixed bag for a lot of people, but I think we should take the time and enjoy it. It’s a holiday to celebrate our loved ones, but we can also take today and spoil ourselves. No need to have a significant other to enjoy ...
Hello!! My name is Carrie
I am a cookbook collector, an avid entertainer, a wine blogger and a shopaholic. Looking forward to showing you some of my favorite cookbook finds, sharing vintage cookbooks I've collected, and exploring new cookbooks coming out soon with you.