I honestly began to love bread shortly before being diagnosed with Celiac, so I live vicariously through other bread lovers. This is why I absolutely love looking through bread baking cookbooks – a little torture, but a lot of love. Plus, the more I learn about baking bread the ‘normal’ way the more I can make adjustments for my dietary ...

I am constantly on a mission for one-of-a kind cookbooks. That includes isolated places that are surfacing, new chefs, or unique techniques! With globalization, new people, places, and cooking methods are now coming to light. Each brings their own flair to the table and to your life! Tasmania is one of these untamed places with a distinct culture. In the ...

I grew up watching Anthony Bourdain, hoping I could be the female version of him. His love for other cultures far and wide was a huge inspiration for me. Bourdain was a legend and his passing effected me and others greatly. These are the kinds of people I look up to, people who have overcome many hardships and openly speak ...

We are finally emerging from the health food craze month, into a bit of “normalcy” in February! What I am loving most is that cookbook authors are still encouraging their readers to eat well, without sacrificing things you love. More and more people are cooking plant-based, vegan, or just healthier in general! Not only that, but people want to cook ...

Isn’t it amazing how quickly Chinese New Year is coming up? I think we can finally put 2020 to bed and begin anew with the Year of the Ox. This is the year of determination, strength, and ambition! That calls for an amazing celebration full of delightful Chinese food. (Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. ...

When we think of Italian cooking, it’s mostly mainstream cooking we’re envisioning. This means a lot of American-Italian dishes like pizza, pasta, ciabatta bread, espresso, etc. This is different from authentic Italian cooking, which tends to follow the seasons and fresh ingredients. Each region of Italy has something notable to offer and has their own specialties. Puglia is known for ...

If you have followed our blog for some time, it should be no surprise that I am a huge nerd. My stepdad introduced me to comics when I was about 6 years old and I have been reading them ever since. Marvel Comics has a very special place in my heart, because my dad and I bonded over X-Men. Now ...

It took me a long time to jump on the Bob’s Burgers television show bandwagon, and boy am I glad I did. The show is hilarious, wholesome, and a must-watch – I highly recommend. One of my favorite parts about this show are the subtle details. One of those things is Bob’s “Burger of the Day” menu, which never repeats. ...

I have a confession to make: I am just learning how to enjoy wine. My wonderful wine blogger cousin has kindly opened my eyes to all the possibilities. As I’m slowly learning about wine, I’m discovering that there is a fascinating science behind it. Cooking is this way as well! Fusing wine and food together, too, is an art. (Disclosure: ...

I have been on the prowl for more vegan and vegetarian cookbooks as we are now entering February! I’ve already almost tried everything from my first plant-based cookbook. Now I need to expand my horizons. If you’re like me and eating more vegan and vegetarian fare, you’ll want to take a look at some of these cookbooks coming out in ...