It’s Tuesday – New Cookbooks Hitting Shelves Today

Here are several of the new cookbooks that came out today on New Release Tuesday today (June 18, 2024)

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Bird Milk & Mosquito Bones: A Memoir, by Priyanka Mattoo (Knopf) – Immigrant life from the Himalayas to Saudi Arabia and then Los Angeles. 

The Encyclopedia of Mediterranean: Over 350 Recipes from the Center of the Culinary World, by The Coastal Kitchen (Cider Mill Press) – A fantastic and comprehensive reference cookbook with step-by-step photos. 

The Hostess Handbook: A Modern Guide to Entertaining, by Maria Zizka (Artisan Books) – 100 recipes for hosting guests at both formal events and casual ones. 

Kith: Scottish Seasonal Food for Family and Friends, by Sarah Rankin (Birlinn) – Recipes featuring Scottish produce, fish and fowl, and items from the Scottish larder.

Live Free, Eat Well: Elevated Cuisine for Outdoorsy Travelers and Modern Nomads, by Adam Glick (DK Books) – Cooking below deck, in tiny kitchens, RVs and campers, and over backyard campfires.

National Trust Book of Cakes by Linda Collister (National Trust Books) – 40 cake recipes, plus British cake history notes.

Steak: The Whole Story, by Tim Heyward (Quadrille) – Steak, butchery and more steak.

We plan to preview most of these new cookbooks for you on our YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels!


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