5 Favorite Depression-Era Youtube Cooking Videos for Inflation Weary Home Cooks

Food prices are rising along with inflation, so I’ve been trying to cook at home more and prioritizing budget-friendly meals. One of my favorite hobbies right now is watching Depression-era recipe videos on YouTube (sometimes also referred to as “struggle meals.”) Take a look at five of my current favorite videos helping you feed your family on a budget using vintage recipes.

One of my top favorite YouTube cooking shows is Glen and Friends Cooking. He shares recipes from his vast collection of antique and vintage cookbooks and cookbook booklets.

Here’s his potato soup recipe made from a 1939 farming community cookbook.

Glen and Friends Cooking on Facebook

Glen and Friends Cooking on Instagram

Glen and Friends Website

Here’s a recipe for Depression-era meat patties from Whippoorwill Holler, homesteaders in Arkansas.

Whippoorwill Holler on Facebook

Whippoorwill Holler on Instagram

There’s a fantastic Youtube channel called Great Depression Cooking. Here’s my personal favorite of their videos, Egg Drop Soup. Clara, who is in her nineties, tells us her memories of living through the Depression while she shows us how to make this recipe.

Great Depression Cooking on Facebook

Great Depression Cooking on Instagram

I have never heard of “leather britches,” so I found this video by Melissa K. Norris Modern Homesteading extra fascinating! A handy way to dry and preserve beans when you don’t have access to glass jars.

Melissa K. Norris Pioneering Today on Facebook

Melissa K. Norris on Instagram

Melissa K. Norris Website

The Wolfe Pit Food and Cooking Channel brings us this Depression-era recipe for Hoover Stew. You can feed 8 people for $3.74 in 2023 dollars.

The Wolfe Pit Facebook Group

The Wolfe Pit on Instagram

The Wolfe Pit Website

Hope you got some budget cooking inspiration from these Depression-era recipe videos and enjoyed them as much as I did!


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