Christmas Shopping: Vintage Style Christmas Aprons for the Busy Cook in Your Life

I’m getting ready for the holidays, doing my shopping early this year. (I’m a bit worried about shipping delays!) Today I’ve been perusing these lovely vintage style aprons, thinking about all the cooks and party hosts in my life who might enjoy wearing them for the holiday parties they’ll host.

(Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you)

The Aprons by Fifi shop on Etsy specializes in vintage style aprons and what they call “Grandma aprons.”

Let’s start off by looking at this vintage style Thanksgiving apron. I love how covering it is, with generous sleeves. We wear aprons to protect our clothing, but also to look festive. This apron features country and primitive themes, with black and white buffalo checks, “Celebrate Fall,” pumpkins, garlands and wreaths, fall leaves and a pumpkin truck.

Here’s a Poinsettia themed Christmas apron. I can just see myself spilling tomato sauce on it – well, the red poinsettias might just camouflage my spill!

Here’s another festive holiday Christmas poinsettia apron. I think I prefer this one, for myself, because the black background will hide spills. Then again, if I was doing a lot of baking, the flour would show!

I think this apron is my favorite – it’s the “Home for the Holidays” apron, featuring red trucks and little red wagons hauling Christmas trees.

This Poinsettia holiday apron features “Peace,” “Hope,” and “Joy” along with the poinsettias.

The last holiday apron I wanted to show you was this “Christmas Cupcakes” apron. It makes me hungry for cupcakes!

Check out the other vintage aprons on offer at the  Aprons by Fifi shop on Etsy!

Happy holidays,


Cookbook Divas



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