Follow Friday: Amazing Bloggers and Their New Spring 2021 Cookbooks

Some of us have hardly ever touched real paper cookbooks. I admit it, I have been an avid online recipe finder for years. Then once I find recipes from bloggers, I wish I had a cookbook, because it’s so handy to have it in the kitchen! I’ll forget about recipes online all the time and regret not saving them. That’s why I now love having a physical copy laying around.

For this Follow Friday we want to talk about 5 new cookbook releases by bloggers, spotlight their blogs, and share why we love them so much!

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Caitlin Greene

Cookbook: Just Eat Real Food: 30-Minute Nutrient-Dense Meals for a Healthy, Balanced Life

Caitlin Green is the founder of Star Infinite Food Blog and has an Instagram account (@starinfinitefood) with almost 250k followers. She’s always loved cooking, especially healthy foods, but she didn’t go to culinary school. She worked in PR and marketing for a few years, but it didn’t feel right. So she decided to feed her passion and begin her journey as a food blogger and influencer.

Her recipes are tasty and healthy, which is what she strives to help people with. Living a nourishing life without it being bland.

On her blog, she has a whole array of recipes that will blow your mind. Including: BBQ chicken, crispy roasted balsamic garlic mushrooms and quick dairy-free creamy spinach mashed potatoes, then Mexican Salmon Burgers, Chili Lime Fries, and Pineapple Jalapeno Cucumber Salsa. Wow! This is why her cookbook: “ Cookbook: Just Eat Real Food: 30-Minute Nutrient-Dense Meals for a Healthy, Balanced Life” is so vital in the kitchen.

Cookbook: Just Eat Real Food: 30-Minute Nutrient-Dense Meals for a Healthy, Balanced Life has many delightful dishes that only require 30 minutes of cook time. There is a reason why Caitlin Greene has a huge following and you should follow her too! Learn how to eat healthier and livelier by following her blog and supporting her newest cookbook endeavor!

Emily and Matt Clifton

The Ultimate Dutch Oven Cookbook: The Best Recipes on the Planet for Everyone’s Favorite Pot

Emily and Matt Clifton are the founders of Nerds with Knives (I love this name!!) Go head and give these guys a follow on Instagram @nerdswithknives because they have delicious content! Their photography and the food are just scrumptious – seriously, take a look, now!

These two are the perfect team, Emily with her photography, writing, and cooking skills and Matt does the gardening and makes a killer breakfast. Since moving away from the Big City, they’ve been able to explore the wonders of gardening. So a lot of these recipes are inspired from their own garden!

These are full fledged meals that will fill you up, but leave you wanting more. These nerds have an elegant way of presenting each dish, but don’t rely on minimalism to show it. They’re about big meals and I am all for it!

Their cookbook The Ultimate Dutch Oven Cookbook: The Best Recipes on the Planet for Everyone’s Favorite Pot showcases only a fraction of their amazing recipes. I was astounded by all the things you can do with a Dutch Oven. I’ve never made a focaccia or berry crumble in a Dutch Oven – I cannot wait to try.

Anne-Marie Bonneau (aka: Zero Waste Chef)

The Zero-Waste Chef: Plant-Forward Recipes and Tips for a Sustainable Kitchen and Planet

I’m so glad theThe Zero-Waste Chef: Plant-Forward Recipes and Tips for a Sustainable Kitchen and Planet cookbook is out, because I am desperately trying to reduce my carbon footprint. Anne-Marie Bonneau’s story is fascinating:

Most of Bonneau’s waste came from her kitchen, so she made it her mission to reduce almost as much as waste possible. That meant living by Michael Pollan’s words “If it’s a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don’t.” She and her family have been a zero waste kitchen since 2011, that’s a whole decade.

I know for me, I’m realizing how much plastic I use and throw away. I also feel like I throw more food away than I care to admit, because there’s so many recipes out there that only require parts of ingredients (i.e. mint leaves no stems, etc.) Can you imagine how much you can save by utilizing all your ingredients and eliminating plastic?

Some of us might think that this is an impossible achievement, but Bonneau has created an amazing blog, and you can follow her on Instagram @zerowastechef. Don’t forget about Zero Waste Chef on Facebook if that is easier for you to access.

Even more, we have her cookbook for additional assistance. Imagine if thousands of people attempted to just reduce the amount of waste they created. That’s a huge impact. This cookbook is a no pressure, but inspirational must have on your cookbook shelf!

Thalia Ho

Wild Sweetness: Recipes Inspired by Nature

The creator of the blog Butter and Brioche has finally delivered an amazing cookbook that will stand the test of time.

Thalia Ho is an artist and a creator. Her creativity is so apparent on her blog. You can tell she has an enormous passion for baking and sweets; her memories are even reliant on them. Thalia Ho comes from a line of European bakers, so many of her memories are built on sweetness. She is a self-taught baker – and amazing at that. She recreates some of her childhood memories of both European and Asian descent through her baking.

One of my favorite quotes on her blog is this:

In discovering new aspects to the world and myself. It’s about food that forms narrative and memory. We eat with our minds just as much as our stomachs. Eyes too. And these eyes are wide.”

It’s hard to convey the beauty behind her bakes. If you follower her on Instagram @thaliaho you can see just how elegant each treat is. The gentle colors almost pop against the chocolate and buttery swirls for most of her bakes. It’s really quite stunning!

Thalia Ho’s Wild Sweetness: Recipes Inspired by Nature is just as sophisticated. Now we can attempt these at home.

Melissa Bahen

Farmhouse Weekends: Menus for Relaxing Country Meals All Year Long

Comfort food – that’s something we all desperate crave, right? Melissa Bahen is also really into comfort food. She also really cherishes her family, which is where the origins of her blog Lulu the Baker came from.

It was originally a place to “store” all of her family’s favorite recipes. She could write them down and have a whole archive of dishes in her arsenal. The blog was created in 2008 and has since taken off. There are more than just recipes on her blog, but projects and photos of their more modern country life in Oregon state!

The photos in her cookbook Farmhouse Weekends: Menus for Relaxing Country Meals All Year Long are vibrant and gorgeous. This reflects her blog as well! She has made country living absolutely appealing to any of us, because it looks so relaxing, stress-free, and genuinely divine.

Go follow her on Instagram @luluthebaker and her blog Lulu the Baker. Definitely take a peak at Farmhouse Weekends: Menus for Relaxing Country Meals All Year Long if you love comfort food!

Take a peek at these bloggers websites and Instagrams to get a feel for which one fits your cooking style!

Who are some of your favorite bloggers to date?


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