Stumbling Upon A Cookbook Inspired by Narnia

One of my guilty pleasures is recreating dishes from movies, books, and shows in my own kitchen. Granted, I’m nowhere near as successful as say “Binging with Babish”, but I make do! I hadn’t even thought cooking dishes from C.S. Lewis’s “Narnia” until stumbling on this new cookbook.

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I was really excited to see The Gourmet Cuisine of Narnia: A Cookbook with Magnificent Recipes from Narnia! If I had seen this earlier for the holidays, I would have tried to have a Narnia-themed Christmas. With things opening up, it will be more possible (hopefully) to have gatherings. Treat the kids to a Narnia book club party by cooking them foods inspired by the world behind the wardrobe.

C.S. Lewis’s words “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably” inspired cookbook author Johny Bomer. With The Gourmet Cuisine of Narnia: A Cookbook with Magnificent Recipes from Narnia cookbook we can now enjoy the world C.S. Lewis has created in our own homes.

This cookbook is divided up into…

  • Appetizers and Drinks
  • Breakfast and Snacks
  • Main Courses
  • Desserts

There are over 30 recipes that are inspired either from the book or heavily influenced by English cuisine, because C.S. Lewis was British.

Some recipe examples from the book are Tashbaan’s Watermelon drink (above), King Tirian’s Special Stew, Edmund’s Favorite Turkish Delight (made by the White Witch), and much more! Other dishes are composed by utilizing the knowledge Lewis gave us about Narnia. For instance, the Tomato and Herbs salad is made up of all the delightful flora and vegetables one might find in Narnia.

I truly love how they’ve dissected the novel and have given us all kinds of goodies that I’ve forgotten about, like the tea Lucy enjoyed with the Centaurs.

Another fantastic feature of this cookbook is how easy the recipes are to make. Most of these dishes are easy to throw together during the weekday and ingredients very easy to find. The dishes, for the most part, take under an hour to prepare and cook.

A thought I just had was to make this a family activity. Everyone can take turns reading a chapter of each book and treat themselves to a delicious dish from The Gourmet Cuisine of Narnia: A Cookbook with Magnificent Recipes from Narnia!

Have you ever read The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe? What are some of your favorite parts?


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