A Hilarious and Adorable Cookbook for Pups!

Who says cooking has to be for humans only? I have friends and family members who actually cook meals for their dogs. There’s a lot of foreign “stuff” in big dog food brands – it’s basically like eating junk food. I can’t imagine where to start when learning how to cook for our furry friends. I’m glad there is a cookbook that can help!

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If you’ve never seen Paddington’s Pantry by pankobunny on Youtube, you really have to. This particular playlist is a bunch of videos on how to make delicious doggy treats for your fur babies. Now, Cayla Gallagher (pankobunny) has a cookbook for us to take home and reference! The Pup-Approved Dog Treat Recipes: 80 Homemade Goodies from Paddington’s Pantry cookbook is going to change your whole home dynamic!

I was surprised to see how many treats we could home make for our favorite puppies. There are easily over 50 recipes that are going to make you want to make your own treats once you are finished.

In the introduction we start with the basics. What are treats usually for? Training! Gallagher provides easy back pocket recipes where ingredients are likely already in your household. It will be so easy to spoil that brand new puppy you own/about to own.

The recipes are organized by season. Which means there are a lot of themed treats for your dogs that will help them participate in all the festivities all year around. Honestly, a lot of these look really tasty even to me. In fact, I think a lot of these are human friendly too – shh!

As always when feeding our animals, we want to careful look at all the ingredients, which is true for this cookbook. I appreciate that Gallagher really emphasizes to buy the correct ingredients. Above is an example of that, where she stresses to not buy chocolate!

For the most part, these recipes are easy to throw together. The most special part about this cookbook is being able to “cook together”. Basically, your dog can even lick the bowl when you’re finished assembling. In her YouTube videos her puppies are often there on her lap or at the table watching her make these scrumptious treats.

You can see that Pup-Approved Dog Treat Recipes: 80 Homemade Goodies from Paddington’s Pantry cookbook is full of love. The photos are absolutely precious and the layout is really fun. It’s a great activity for both you and your fuzzy friend to do together. They deserve to be spoiled every once in a while!

There’s a simple recipe for every day! What recipes do you think would be a hit with your pets?


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