Want to Eat More Greens? A Peek Inside the Stunning Cookbook “Evergreen” Is Here to Inspire

The holidays can be a very tempting time to indulge in all the sweets and meats! Obviously, because we are “celebrating,” indulgences are excused, but what about the rest of the year? It can be particularly difficult to eat more plant-based food in the wintertime, but I find that some of my favorite plants are best eaten during the winter!

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Looking through Evergreen the cookbook has inspired me to start incorporating more vegetables in my diet.

There are 288 pages with absolutely stunning photos throughout. This cookbook honors our luscious green Earth and shows us what it provides in a beautiful way. Just one vegetable, the carrot, has a multitude of ways it can be cooked. Not only that, but Evergreen the cookbook explains how harvesting it during summer versus fall alternates the flavor.

As the seasons change, so do the plants we can harvest. We live in a society where almost everything is always available. I’m sure a lot of us have noticed a rotation in the produce section, but for the most part, we can get anything we want. The quality is different, though. With this cookbook we will be able to understand which fruits and vegetables are at it’s best in flavor and what recipes we can use them in.

I appreciate that this isn’t an exclusively plant based cookbook. A lot of us need to ease into that sort of diet! It is a vegetarian cookbook, but there is room to add some meat if you want to stray from the recipes. Evergreen the cookbook still uses cheese and bread, but everything is enhanced with plants!

Admittedly, some of these recipes require some interesting ingredients that might not be readily available at the grocery store. Though, that is not the case for the majority of the meals. Most of the recipes are surprisingly simple! Which is a great motivator to eat just a bit healthier.

This is a visually stunning cookbook with a rustic flair to it. A part of me feels like I’m connecting a little bit more with the planet as I peer through. What are some vegetables you would like to learn how to cook well? I personally want to dive into all the chards and leafy vegetables!


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